Scottish Highland Auction Questions
Let's Chat
When’s the next auction?
Our next auction will be approx. May. 14, 2024. All available calves and cows will be posted on the auction platform, with the buy now feature, as become available. However, the bidding for these cuties will all open and close at the same time. You can follow your favorite on our social media pages by following the hashtag for your new muse.
How the heck do I even see the cows for sale?
The CRF app is available for download on the App Store (for iPhone users) or Google Play (for Android users). Don’t want to download an app? No sweat. Just click on or copy this link https://bid.cyrusridge.com/ui
If I see a cow I like, how can I bid?
First, we will need a pint of blood and fingernail samples. Kidding, of course. It’s so simple, just click on the Register button and fill out the basic profile information. The registration process will require you to submit a credit card. Your card is only used to verify the you are (1) a legitimate bidder and (2) as a back-up payment source if you buy a cow and run off to Timbuktu. Once you’ve registered, bidding is so easy and self-explanatory, it would be insulting for me to continue this dialogue. Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, you can always reach out to us at helpdesk@cyrusridge.com. The bidding platform and app is built and hosted by a professional auction software company using secure servers (AWS) to protect your information and privacy.
What is the buy now option?
We frequently receive offers / requests to purchase our calves outside of the online auction. We’ve been on the fence about this issue for a few years. It seemed unfair to our 4,000+ registered buyers and purchasing partners to offer a “back door” deal to an eager and excited buyer. The solution? A non-negotiable Buy Now price that is available to everyone. This advertised price is set slightly above our average auction price and, to be fair to all buyers, is non-negotiable. This option will not be available close to the auction ending time. If you would like to purchase via buy now please contact us!
How long does the auction last?
Typically the auction runs about two days. The auction has a "soft-close" feature. In a live auction, the auctioneer calls for bids until all parties have had adequate time to make a decision and place their bids. In an on-line or timed auction, this element is no longer available. Some savvy online buyers wait until the last seconds and snipe the bid, not allowing the other buyers an opportunity to place a counter bid. To combat this, many auction companies use a “soft close”, or a “dynamic ending” style auction. With the soft close, each on-line item has a scheduled ending time. But, like in a live auction, if someone bids in the last few moments before an auction closes, the system extends the bidding to give others a chance to have their bid registered. Some items will extend multiple times, just like in a live auction where the bidders are “duking it out”. This gives you the chance to bid as much as you want without being “sniped” out outbid because the clock went out. The time of extension and time between items may vary from auction to auction but will always remain consistent within each individual auction. Our ultimate goal is to make this auction experience one that is fair and transparent for all buyers.
How do I know my bid is real and I’m bidding against other real bidders?
Don’t you hate it when an auction company bids against you just to drive up the price of an item? Or an auctioneer that accepts bids from the oak tree swaying in the breeze? It chaps my butt, too. With the CRF auctions, you can see the bidding history and feel confident that your bid, and the bids of your competing buyers, are real and accepted in a milli-second of clicking the “BID” button. While we won’t ever share your information with others, we will ensure that you and the rest of the buyers all have a fair and equal opportunity to compete in a fair and transparent environment for these 4-legged wonders.
How do I pay for the cow(s) I buy?
Great question. Glad you asked. You will be sent an invoice at the conclusion of the auction. A deposit of 25% is required immediately following the auction. Payment can be accepted via credit card or wire transfer. This deposit is non-refundable. The balance will be due at pickup or before delivery. You credit card on file will be charged the deposit amount if your invoice has not been paid.
If I buy a cow, when / how can I get it home?
CRF is an expert in cattle husbandry, not marriage counseling. Getting you fluffy new friend is as easy as 1,2,3. (1) Decide whether you want to pick-up your cow of have it delivered. (2) Let us know you answer to #1. (3) Setup a date for pickup or delivery. Delivery cost is very easy to calculate. Do a quick search to your delivery address from the CRF address of 77 Singing Hill Ln., Waynesboro, VA 22980. Under 500 miles? Multiply the distance (1-way) by $3.50. Over 500 miles? Contact us for a special quote. If this price changes due to fuel cost increase, we will make a note on the auction listing. No changes in delivery prices will be made after the auction is open for bidding.
Will you tell my husband?
Breaking the news to your husband is easy as 1,2,3 as well. (1) Don’t tell him right away. This type of news gets easier with time (2) Get him a gift he’s been wanting (3) Give him said gift and “remind” him of the cow delivery happening later that day. Best of luck! We have some local Air BnBs we can recommend for a few nights away. There will be an approximate available date on each listing to help you understand when the weaning for that specific animal is complete. Some may be ready immediately and some may be as much as 60 – 90 days from weaning. We will give you periodic updates for the calves that are still in the weaning stage.
What do I get with my cow?
What do you mean, what do get? It’s a fluffy cow. What more could want? Actually, we will get you a halter, a lead, a brush, a DNA test, registration papers. So, in addition to a lifetime of love and laughter, you end up with some goodies.
Who is responsible for the cow after the auction?
The cow will be the responsibility of the party in possession of the animal. For example, if the auction has ended, you’ve paid your deposit, and a Viking sword falls from a low flying aircraft killing your precious new friend, Cyrus Ridge Farm would be responsible for that animal and give you a full refund. However, if the Vikings dropped their sword while flying over your backyard and accidentally hit Betsy after she was delivered, it would be your responsibility and no refund would be given. Same rules apply to any cause of death whether natural, super-natural, or non-natural.
I don’t have a daggone clue what paperwork I need for a cow. Help?
Calm down, Linda. We’ve got you covered. You’ll get a packet, whether with pickup or delivery, with everything you need to be able to legally take your new mooing child wherever you want in the entire US.
Have more questions??
If you're still unsure about a few things we encourage you to head over to the auction event and click the tab that says "terms & conditions". We can also be reached by email, phone, or on our social media pages. We look forward to working with you to bring your furry friend home!